Indirect Cylinder:The principle of operation of this type of cylinder is that known as a heat exchanger (in other words one that includes and uses a coil inside). The water contained inside of this vessel and supplied by the boiler is heated as it passes through the coil, and the heat is transfers to the stored cold water in the cylinder. This water inside the coil is in a self-contained system and never comes into contact with water in the cylinder that is for the taps. A Chessington Plumber is well trained in all systems.This method of heat transfer not only stops lime scale build up in the boilers system, it can also prolong the life of the system as it allows the use of anti-corrosion agents into the boiler water. A cold-water feed attaches to the bottom of the cylinder, there is also usually a small drain cock. Hot water for the taps leaves from the top of the cylinder through a tee-joint. An expansion pipe runs from this tee-joint to a feed and expansion tank fitted in the loft.Direct Cylinder:This version of the directly heated hot water cylinder is a simple system. Cold water is fed into the cylinder at the bottom, there is also a small drain-cock. The water heats either by a dedicated boiler or by a fitted electric immersion heater or heaters inside the cylinder. Chessington Plumbers understand these systems. A connection made at the bottom of the cylinder feeds the boiler, where the water heats. This hot water is then fed back to the hot water cylinder via a connection on the top of the cylinder. Hot water required for the taps leaves from the top of the cylinder through a tee-joint.