When there is a shortage of plumbers, we all know about it even without consulting the tabloids. Chessington Plumbers are in demand. This was the case in the UK a few of years ago, but that shortfall is now being taken up by brand new fully trained plumbers from abroad. However, it is now reported that our plumbers are in demand in Australia and they are after our labour. So why are plumbers in such demand? Mr Peter Wright a labour and economics Professor from Nottingham University says “It’s very indicative of how the economy is doing because demand for plumbing services rises when the economy is doing well,” “Most people’s perception of plumbers is that they are people they ring when they have a leak, but many are employed in the housing sector.”This shortage in the supply of plumbers in the UK has been partly down to the increase higher education that has drawn people away from learning a skilled trade, professor Wright said. He also says that there has been a requirement for apprenticeships increased dramatically in the late 1990s. Lots of people had lots more money to spend on their homes and more houses were being built. A Chessington Plumber is a fully trained professional. Australia may well be experiencing the same. Carol Cannavan, whos is from the Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (IPHE), said that over the past few years many people have been joining the industry in the UK. She says “What sparked it was the media exaggerating stories about plumbers making a fortune. This spawned skilled individuals such as bank managers wanting to change their career and train to become a plumber as they thought that they would earn much more money. However once they discovered they were not that practically minded and werent really interested how things worked, it put most off the idea. People can call themselves a plumber after 4 weeks on a course, but really it takes at least 3 years to become a true professional.train to become a plumber because they had s how much they could earn.”But they discovered when they got on the courses that you have to be a practical person and want to learn how things work, so it’s not for everyone.”Because being a plumber is not a protected title like solicitor, people could call themselves a plumber after attending a four-week course, she says, but it takes three years to train properly.